Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Tree dressing is celebrated in different cultures all over the world. It’s a tradition that brings people closer to trees and highlights the important role they play in our lives. It’s also a great way of saying thank you to trees for all the benefits they provide.
The children enjoyed this video about
Today we talked about what we like about our trees in the forest.
The children love the apple trees 'we like picking all the apples!' and said the trees with 'flowers' - blossom -are good for the bees. 'The bees make yummy honey!'
Before going to the forest the children looked at different countries and photos of how they decorate their trees for inspiration.
The children chose a different colour for each of the trees; blue for the tree that helps us have clean air, red for the apple tree and green to decorate the blossom tree. Great choices Busy Bears and great team work, have a look!
You can fid out more about Tree Dressing Day here:
Walking to the post box 2021!
We talked about why we needed to add a stamp onto letters and cards. Thank you to all those post men and women out there.
We put our high-vis jackets on and we were ready to go. Ask your child why we needed to wear a high-vis jacket today.
We held our partners hand and walked carefully to the post box. We put our cards in the box.
Don't forget to check your door mat!
Children In Need 2021
Thank you to everyone for making such an amazing effort today. The Busy Bears class have raised £31.50 for this fantastic charity.
We enjoyed making yellow playdough.
We made our very own Pudsey Bear using the playdough, buttons and cutters.
We also practised our cutting, fine motor and colouring in skills as we made some lovely bunting and pictures.
We listened carefully to 'The Lost Bandana' story and we shared ideas about where it might have gone. Follow the link to read the story together.
During the week the children have learnt about Remembrance Day. Our new word this week has been 'War' and we have learnt a little bit about this, exploring how the conditions were and who was involved.
The children were fascinated to use google maps - street view- to see Hoyland Cenotaph.
Click on the photo, what do you notice? The children noticed the poppies, the flags and were interested about the engravings.
The children watched the following clip from the cbeebies series; ' My First Festivals'
The clip follows Alicia and her family as they learn about and observe Remembrance Day. They start with a walk, where they count all the poppies that have been put around their village - how many will there be? Later, they visit a camp where they learn what it was like to live in the UK during World War II. An air raid siren goes off, and they practice running into an old Anderson shelter!
Click on the image to watch again.
The children were amazing as they took part in the two minutes silence, they stood respectfully and barely made a peep, brilliant!
Another short animation that the children enjoyed was about a young rabbit travelling through the poppy fields. Click on the image to watch:
World Science Day happens every year on November 10th. It was started as a way of opening up the world of scientific research and discovery to engage everybody in current scientific issue and developments — like artificial intelligence or renewable energy. World Science Day aims to show that — although you may not be a scientist or a researcher — science is all around you and is a part of everybody’s life. By making science more accessible, World Science Day is one way in which science can be used to inspire people to study and participate in it.
Each class in school carried out the Egg Drop experiment. The Busy Bears had 4 eggs to experiment with.
We had an egg-cellent time, take a look!
The first job was to decide which materials would be best to protect each egg.
"I think we should hide it in this box" said Georgie. "it's just the right size" agreed Luke
"Mine has broken" said Bradley, when asked how the egg had broken; "it was not strong"
"we need to make a nest" said Angel-Mae, "it needs to be soft like this" Darcie found pipe cleaners and tissue. "this can wrap around" says Umutcan.
Next, the best bit...dropping the eggs!
The Results...
This week our maths has been focussing on the 2D shapes; circles and triangles. The children explored the features and similarities and differences between the shapes through these different activities.
Firstly the children learnt about Wassily Kandinsky and his art with circles and triangles. The children made their own amazing paintings.
Recap and learn more about Kandinsky with this video: Kandinsky Art
The video shows how you could try some Kandinsky art at home. Add photos of your art work to your child's learning journey on Early Essence.
Bonfire night, keeping safe, hedgehogs and our campfire!
We have been learning about why we celebrate Bonfire night and how we can keep safe. We have enjoyed sharing the story called 'Hovis The Hedgehog'. Poor Hovis the Hedgehog nearly lost his home!
We wanted to make our very Hovis! We decided to use clay. We moulded and shaped it in our hands, added googly eyes and pinched the ends to create his nose. We counted the sticks to make his prickles. "I've used 17 sticks!" said Taylor-Neve.
We explored firework shapes and colours and then made our own outside.
We practiced our letter formation in the sparkly glitter and created fireworks.
Our fire was fantastic!
We sat around the campfire, making sure we kept safe by sitting on the benches and never entering the fire pit area. Mrs Bamforth showed us the Respect position. Look how brilliantly we sit when we toast the marshmallows.
We enjoyed toasting the marshmallows and making a sticky biscuit. The hot chocolate warmed us too.
Happy Bonfire night everyone!
We love our weekly music lessons. We have been listening to a wide variety of music genre such as rock, pop, hip hop, jazz and country music. One of our favourite songs is called "Sing a Rainbow" by Peggy Lee. We felt so relaxed after listening to it. Wade said it made him feel, "Happy"! Because there are lots of colour words in the song, we learnt the words pretty quickly.
Our "Weather" songs helps up to feel ready for the day. We do the actions and have learnt the words brilliantly.
The "Wake Up Shake Up" song is still one of our all time favourites. We're improving to keep the rhythm and do the actions at the same time. We are working so hard.
We have been trying hard to play the claves. We have learnt to listen to the beat and tap the claves at the right time. How impressive are we!!
We have learnt the words to "Pat A Cake Pat A Cake" so quickly. It's a fast song and we are so confident!
Don't forget to login to Yumu/Charanga to have a go at home.
How amazing do we look!
We set up our new light and dark area.
Let's take a peak!
We set up the classroom so we were ready with our new activities.
The Busy Bears were very busy today!
Ask us about repeating patterns, we're amazing!
This week we designed and continued patterns using fruit.
The children chose the fruit that they liked and made a repeating pattern kebab.
Say Pattern!
Our focus book has been Biscuit Bear by Mini Grey, so this week the children enjoyed finding out about how to make biscuits.
The children supported one another to make sense of the ingredients list and instructions.
The recipe used spoons as the measurement, the children were really good at counting out the correct number needed.
Decorating; look closely can you spot any patterns!
I Spy a Pattern! The children hadn't even reached the forest and they were spotting shapes and patterns.
'Look at the ladybirds!' Darcie and Riley called everyone over to see the ladybirds bathing in the sunshine on our fence. There were so many of them. This provoked lots of interest and discussion about the colours and spot patterns.
'Line, line, line, line..' chanted the children as they tapped the repeating panels of the fence on their way along to the forest.
'Triangles and squares' shouted Luke as we passed by the KS2 trim trail.
This week's challenge in forest was to design patterns using found natural objects. The children considered shape and size as they built them. Once complete the children were encouraged to say their pattern aloud i.e. 'stick, leaf, stick, leaf'. The children were amazing at creating different patterns and so confident to talk about them. You can try this at home with anything from around the house or garden. Upload your photos onto your child's learning journey on Early Essence, we'd love to see them.
This week the children have been exploring and comparing size. Using their knowledge of the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' the children searched for things in the forest that were small, medium and large. Items that would be suitable for baby bear, mother bear and father bear.
Lots of busy children in the mud kitchen. The children showed us a small dish filled with small things for baby bear, a medium sized dish filled with medium sized objects for mother bear and the biggest dish of all for daddy bear.
Many of the children appear to have already found their own favourite parts of the forest. They repeatedly explore them and spend time trying out new ways of doing things; such as climbing and swinging.
The mud slide was a hit again this week, although it proved to be some what disappointing by not being 'slippery enough' and 'too dry'!
The children were great problem solvers though, and soon cooked up a plan to get the slide 'better'. They wasted no time and were extremely resourceful; using pans from the mud kitchen they transported the water found in the tyres, all the way through the forest to the mud slide. Once there, they worked as a team to support each other up to the top of the slope. 'don't spill the water' was the moto and they really did well to get lots of pans of water to the top and poured onto the slide.
Such pride at their success as the newly wet slope was tested, tested and tested again!
Great job Busy Bears!
Nigel from Imagination Gaming joined us this afternoon for a session of fun and collaboration.
The children were taught how to play a range of board games.
Take a look at the different games they played, each was very different.
Knock Knock- this was a card game and we played as a whole class. One player holds the set of cards, picks one and doesn't show anyone. Shouts 'knock knock' the players shout 'who's there' Then the card holder gives clues to the group to describe the image until they have guessed correctly. This was really fun!
Honey Bee- The aim of this game was to fill the jar with honey. Children had to take turns to roll the dice, identify a flower with a corresponding colour to the dice and then fly Hannah Honey Bee over to it. The flower was then given to the bee hive to turn into honey. Should the dice land on the drooping flower then no honey could be made! It was a race to make the honey before all the flowers drooped.
First Orchard- The children loved this game it was very tactile and the children enjoyed racing against the crow. The children were elated when they filled the basket with fruit and beat the crow to the orchard.
These games focused on counting or shape recognition and really challenged our number skills.
Look at their concentrating faces, they were amazing.
Here Fishy Fishy- this game required a lot of hand eye coordination and patience to catch the fish! The children showed a lot of empathy and really encouraged their friends to keep going.
You can find out more about Imagination Gaming by following the link:
Fresh Air Friday
Today was our first Fresh Air Friday session.
The children absolutely loved it!
They walked to the forest brilliantly, taking care to stay in the line.
The children were taught to sit on the benches and to never enter the fire pit area. Can your child remember why they shouldn't enter the fire pit?
The children had a fantastic time exploring every inch of the forest!
We collected lots of apples and made apple crumble in the mud kitchen. It was delicious!
Look how high the children climbed!
Our focus for Maths this week has been 'sorting'. We asked the children to sort the natural objects they found. The children sorted the leaves, sticks, long sticks and short sticks. We had to make the most of this fun learning opportunity! We had a good look at the sticks to make sure which were long and which were short. We needed to make sure we grouped them correctly.
Well done everyone!
Today the children took part in a specialised session that introduced them to some basic first aid.
The children learnt about the contents of a first aid kit by exploring what was in one.
Making a call to 999 was introduced and discussed to ensure that the children were aware that an ambulance is what they would need to ask for. We were very impressed with those who knew that 111 could be called for help when feeling poorly.
The children met Boris; the dummy, not to be confused for the prime minister! He was used to demonstrate how to respond if someone is choking.
Lots of our children knew that grapes need to be cut in half, not to put too much food in at once and that they should chew food very well.
The children took turns to have a go a shouting 'cough' to Boris and slapping him on the back to help him.
Next the children learnt a little bit about Asthma and became aware of their friends who have it.
The final part of the session was learning about wounds and bleeding. The children were introduced to bandages, show how to apply pressure and wrap the bandage. They also learnt the importance of covering a wound and protecting from germs.
Not suprisingly the children couldn't wait to try out their new knowledge and eagerly wrapped as many of their friends in bandages!
The children were excellent today at having a really good go at getting changed into their PE kits and keeping their belongings together.
They walked through school to the PE hall so sensibly and following our Golden Rules.
Look how much fun the children had. During the session the children learnt about their core strength and the muscles that help them to move.
They practised keeping eye contact on the scarves as they threw them in the air before catching them. The children were so good at this that they were challenged to how many claps they could do before they caught the scarf!
Well done Busy Bears!
The Busy Bears get musical!
We have been learning lots of new songs, including the 'Days Of The Week Song', the 'Hello' song and the 'Wake up shake up' song.
We have been playing different musical instruments and listening for the rhythm. We shared the instruments brilliantly!
We settled in so well, meeting new friends and exploring the areas in the classroom.