Spring Term 2022

World Book Day 2022

We celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day in the Busy Bears class. We looked amazing! We had a Harry Potter, A Little Red Riding Hood. A James the Train, A Princess Jasmine, A Batman, A Dalmatian, A Cruella, An Evil Pea and lots lots more. You have all made a fantastic effort and we had a fantastic day full of reading.


We use our Bookflix display to keep us up to date with what's trending, what we would like to read again and ideas for the books we would like to read in the future. Suoertato is always a firm favourite.


We enjoyed reading to our new class friends. Peter, Victoria, Sam and Emma.

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We went on a Word Scavenger hunt outside. We read the words and then we found them in lots of different books. Castle and Jungle were tricky words to read!

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We tried hard to read our Ditties with our partners this morning.

We wrote about the costumes we were wearing and we drew pictures of ourselves in our costumes.

We have made a book mark to take home and we hope you will get a lot of use out of it.

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We have enjoyed sharing books together with our friends and adults. 


This week we had the gym equipment out in PE.

The children put to work their core muscles and balance which they have been developing over the weeks.

The children know which key muscles groups they have been building; arms, legs and stomach.


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The children have enjoyed the story 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes'. The children had pancake races, created their own pancakes with the 'fake baking' and made lists of ingredients.

Can they recall the ingredients that Mr Wolf needed?

You can revisit the story here: Mr Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley

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Number day!

We have certainly used our brains today!

Every activity we did involved numbers.

We practiced writing numerals on paper, making sure we used the correct formation.

We formed numerals using large tubes, natural objects and pieces of coloured wool. 

We played snakes and ladders and we got very competitive!

We matched numerals and quantities. We need to make sure we know that numerals stand for number names and quantities.

We pressed and counted the Numicon in the playdough.

We played skittles and hoop games outside and we added up the totals.

We predicted,  we estimated, we compared, we subitised and we ordered.

We logged on to Numbots.

We did all this dressed up as Rock Stars and Numbots! How amazing did we look!

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Story time at the library

The library at Hoyland hosted a story session for us. This was themed around our learning from this term- Superheroes. 


The children walked up to the library. The children kept each other safe, holding hands with their partner and staying on the footpath. 


The children listened so intently to the Supertato story before looking through the boxes for books that we wanted to read. The children really enjoyed enjoyed sharing stories and finding out about how the library works.

We used the library card to take out some books that we can use next term in class.

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Chinese New Year

The children have been learning about Chinese New Year. 2022 is the year of the Tiger. The children learnt interesting facts about Tigers, firstly looking at Google maps to find out how far away China is from school. 

The children drew some amazing tiger pictures and labelled them with the facts that could recall. 


The children made Chinese Lanterns. They were amazing at following the instructions to create a lantern from a single piece of A4. The children made holes using punches, these were trickier than they looked and some were really stiff. Those little fingers needed to be strong and nimble! The children developed different ways to secure a pipe cleaner in place for a handle before decorating them.

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The children have loved exploring new tools and using them for a purpose. The crimping tool made wavy paper and was perfect for a dragon tummy!

Bradley worked for a long time joining the head, tummy and tail before trying out different materials for legs/puppet handles. Carter decided to make a mask and used control to cut around his design, he then asked a grown up to measure his head with the string so he knew it would fit. Great job!

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Snip, snip! The children identified that the noodles were 'really long' and 'too long for the dishes' so they decided to cut them, changing the length to 'the right size for the dish!'

Ask the children about the different foods they have tried too!

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Fresh Air Friday: Making a trap for Evil Pea!

We had a brilliant time in the forest this afternoon. The weather was perfect to go exploring.

We used our critical thinking to create a trap for Evil Pea!! We wanted to make sure he didn't go back into school to create more trouble!

We used sticks, crates, leaves, mud, tyres, bricks and tubes to make our traps.

We then used a magnifying glass to make sure he was safely inside our trap.

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Music in the Busy Bears class.

Action songs, keeping the rhythm with claves and using the glockenspiels.

We are becoming so confident using the claves and glockenspiels.

We played 'Wind The Bobbin Up' using notes D and E.

Bry showed us all how talented he is during his solo performance.

Don't forget to keep accessing Charanga at home. It really does make a difference.