Wednesday 22nd September - Friday 24th September
Information about our trip (including kit list).
We had THE BEST time on residential. At 9:30am on 22nd September, 32 Y6 along with Miss Clark, Mrs Anstess and Mrs Wright set off for Caythorpe which is near Lincolnshire. Once we arrived we unpacked and ate our lunch before having a site tour from Fraser (our group leader). We were so lucky as the weather was beautifully sunny. Later that day our three groups did two activities before having our evening meal and we then did an activity called Splash where we had to protect our water babies (water balloons) using whatever we could get our hands on so that it didn't burst when the instructor launched it from the top of the climbing wall! Some of us were more successful than others... Before bed, Mrs Wright read us some of Skellig (our class book) which settled us down for the evening.
On our second day we had breakfast before embarking on our busy schedule! Two activities before lunch then an afternoon of canoeing in the sunshine. Mr Ralph came to visit us today and he enjoyed watching us having fun and joined in the activities. We had our tea and then played a game of Cluedo. This was great. The staff members dressed up as characters and we had to find the kidnapper, weapon and location. We listened to some more of Skellig before bedtime (and went to sleep much quicker tonight... we were all exhausted!)
Our final day came too quickly. After breakfast we vacated our rooms and all got on with our final two activities. After lunch we said goodbye to Fraser and headed home.
Photographs of Mrs Wright's Group
Photographs of Mrs Anstess and Miss Clark's Groups