Pupil Premium allocation for 2013 / 2014 and details of how we spent our allocation
This link shows a table of what the money has been spent on in the 2013 / 2014 academic year.
How did pupil premium funding make a difference to the attainment of disadvantaged pupils?
Evidence of the impact of this support through assessment data can be seen in a summarised form below. We have an in-depth tracking system which is analysed half termly enabling the SLT and class teachers to monitor and act on the progress of a range of different groups throughout their time at Greenfield Primary School.
Percentage of pupils eligible for FSM
2012 2013 2014
School 41.7% 42.9% 44%
National 26.2% 26.7% 26.6%
School Y2 43.3% 44.8% 48.3%
The table below shows APS from summer 2013 (the end of Y1) to summer 2014 (the end of Y2)
The table shows that in Y2 FSM pupils made less progress in reading, writing and maths than their non-FSM peers.
Non-FSM |
Reading 4.1 |
Writing 2.6 |
Maths 3.8 |
Reading 4.7 |
Writing 3.6 |
Maths 4.2 |
Percentage of pupils eligible for FSM
2012 2013 2014
School 41.7% 42.9% 44%
National 26.2% 26.7% 26.6%
School Y6 34.4% 41.2% 46.2%
The table below shows APS from summer 2013 (the end of Y5) to summer 2014 (the end of Y6)
The table shows that in Y6 FSM pupils made more progress in reading, writing and maths than their non-FSM peers.
Non-FSM |
Reading 5.1 |
Writing 7.0 |
Maths 7.1 |
Reading 4.6 |
Writing 6.0 |
Maths 5.6 |
The closing of these gaps shows that the school is using the funding effectively. We continue to strive to close the gap further by continuing to offer smaller class sizes through additional adults as it has proven to have a positive impact on attainment of all groups of children.