World Book Day 2022

We had a fabulous world book day! All of our children took part in a range of different activities around books and had lots of fun in the process.

Some of the children walked to Tesco with their class to get a book with their book tokens and it was lovely to see the children so excited about their reading.

There is a new display in the main entrance showcasing some of the things that we did.

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Our Nursery Children's World Book Day

We listened to the World Book Day song by MC Grammar. We looked for the different characters. You can watch it below, can you spot the three little pigs and the wolf? Can you see the book worm? 

Look at some of our costumes, we all looked amazing as different story characters. 

We enjoyed looking at books and listening to stories in small groups. 

We used our outdoor library and shared stories outside too! 

We made our own bookmarks, learning how to use the hole punch and threading ribbon through.