We have been reading 'The Three Little Pigs' and learning this song...
We know one little pig made his house out of sticks and we looked at photos of dens with sticks too.
In the forest today we made our own dens and shelters.
We moves large sticks and branches and carried large tarpaulins.
"I want this one!" Kian says "It's too heavy!"
Some were so big and heavy we have to do 'Team work'.
We found furniture for our dens.
"This is the seat!" Harriet says moving a large stump into the den.
Theodore moved some tyres for the seat in his den.
"We need some more sticks for the fire!" Isaac says setting up the cooking area next to the den.
Dolly got sticks and asked for a 'real fire'.
We enjoyed playing together in our dens.