On Welly Wednesdays we walk past our school pond. This week we returned in small groups to do some pond dipping.
We laid on our fronts and watched the water, we could see a pond skaters on the surface.
We used our nets reaching forward and dipped them into the water to catch some pond minibeasts.
We checked our nets and put the pond minibeasts into small buckets and jugs so we could observe them closely.
We compared the pond minibeasts to the information on our chart.
Take a look at what we found.
Can you see the tadpoles? Can you see a water louse? Can you see some pond weed?
In the forest we noticed how much everything had grown. The forest seemed darker, and the sky had disappeared because of the leaf canopy.
We saw more flowers growing and the fire pit roof had gone too!
We enjoyed playing with some of the Key Stage two children, and they joined us for snack.
We also filled up our bird feeders with seed and fat balls.
What a wonderful Welly Wednesday!
On Welly Wednesdays we walk past our school pond. This week we returned in small groups to do some pond dipping.
We laid on our fronts and watched the water, we could see a pond skaters on the surface.
We used our nets reaching forward and dipped them into the water to catch some pond minibeasts.
We checked our nets and put the pond minibeasts into small buckets and jugs so we could observe them closely.
We compared the pond minibeasts to the information on our chart.
Take a look at what we found.
Can you see the tadpoles? Can you see a water louse? Can you see some pond weed?
In the forest we noticed how much everything had grown. The forest seemed darker, and the sky had disappeared because of the leaf canopy.
We saw more flowers growing and the fire pit roof had gone too!
We enjoyed playing with some of the Key Stage two children, and they joined us for snack.
We also filled up our bird feeders with seed and fat balls.
What a wonderful Welly Wednesday!
On Welly Wednesdays we walk past our school pond. This week we returned in small groups to do some pond dipping.
We laid on our fronts and watched the water, we could see a pond skaters on the surface.
We used our nets reaching forward and dipped them into the water to catch some pond minibeasts.
We checked our nets and put the pond minibeasts into small buckets and jugs so we could observe them closely.
We compared the pond minibeasts to the information on our chart.
Take a look at what we found.
Can you see the tadpoles? Can you see a water louse? Can you see some pond weed?
In the forest we noticed how much everything had grown. The forest seemed darker, and the sky had disappeared because of the leaf canopy.
We saw more flowers growing and the fire pit roof had gone too!
We enjoyed playing with some of the Key Stage two children, and they joined us for snack.
We also filled up our bird feeders with seed and fat balls.
What a wonderful Welly Wednesday!
On Welly Wednesdays we walk past our school pond. This week we returned in small groups to do some pond dipping.
We laid on our fronts and watched the water, we could see a pond skaters on the surface.
We used our nets reaching forward and dipped them into the water to catch some pond minibeasts.
We checked our nets and put the pond minibeasts into small buckets and jugs so we could observe them closely.
We compared the pond minibeasts to the information on our chart.
Take a look at what we found.
Can you see the tadpoles? Can you see a water louse? Can you see some pond weed?
In the forest we noticed how much everything had grown. The forest seemed darker, and the sky had disappeared because of the leaf canopy.
We saw more flowers growing and the fire pit roof had gone too!
We enjoyed playing with some of the Key Stage two children, and they joined us for snack.
We also filled up our bird feeders with seed and fat balls.
What a wonderful Welly Wednesday!