We have been preparing for our Tea-Party to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
We made paper chains using red, white and blue paper, to decorate nursery.
We made bunting, painting and making hand prints with red and blue paint. Look at our team work.
We've been painting silhouettes of the queen, like the images on coins and stamps.
We have been learning a poem about the Queen of Heart who made some tarts.
We made our own jam tarts for the Jubilee tea-party!
We made leaf crowns in the forest and painted them with silver paint and glitter.
We looked fantastic in our leaf crowns. Can you spot our Jubilee display with our vase of red, white and blue flowers?
We had a wonderful Tea-party picnic, drinking tea from real tea-cups and saucers. We enjoyed our Jam tarts, Jammie dodgers and Chocolate fingers.
What a treat!
We were very carefully with the tea cups and saucers, and we didn't break any! Phew!!
We all looked fantastic in our red, white and blue!