Spiral Patterns

We have been learning about snails. You can revisit facts about snails here... did you know they have teeth on their tongue? 


We took a closer look at the snail shell. The typical snail has a calcareous shell coiled in a spiral pattern around a central axis called the columella. Generally, the coils, or whorls, added later in life are larger than those added when the snail is young. At the end of the last whorl is the aperture, or opening.

We use natural material in the forest to create our own spiral patterns in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. 

Spiral Patterns

We have been learning about snails. You can revisit facts about snails here... did you know they have teeth on their tongue? 


We took a closer look at the snail shell. The typical snail has a calcareous shell coiled in a spiral pattern around a central axis called the columella. Generally, the coils, or whorls, added later in life are larger than those added when the snail is young. At the end of the last whorl is the aperture, or opening.

We use natural material in the forest to create our own spiral patterns in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. 

Spiral Patterns

We have been learning about snails. You can revisit facts about snails here... did you know they have teeth on their tongue? 


We took a closer look at the snail shell. The typical snail has a calcareous shell coiled in a spiral pattern around a central axis called the columella. Generally, the coils, or whorls, added later in life are larger than those added when the snail is young. At the end of the last whorl is the aperture, or opening.

We use natural material in the forest to create our own spiral patterns in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.