PE and Sports Premium 2021 - 2022

Swimming Competancy by Y6 in 2021 - 2022

No data due to Covid when we take our children swimming as Y4 pupils.


PE and Sports Spending 2021 - 2022

Sport Premium Overview

Primary School’s Vision Statement:

Greenfield Primary School

At Greenfield Primary School we believe PE & Sport plays an important role in making our vision statement a reality for every pupil, with the potential to change young people’s lives for the better.

In physical education, children take part in a wide variety of activities. They learn that being active is fun and that it is important to lead an active lifestyle.  We use a skills-based approach as the basis of our PE curriculum using the Real PE programme.  All staff have received training on Real PE and this is delivered consistently across school.   Pupils develop these skills throughout their time at Greenfield and leave with the skills which are fundamental to so many games and sports.

Specific sports are also offered to children as extra-curricular activities at lunchtimes and after school.  These include: football, gymnastics, cricket, handball and netball.

In KS2, in addition to the fundamental skills, pupils also have lessons in swimming and residential trips that provide children with the opportunity to participate in outdoor/adventurous activities

We welcomed the Government’s announcement in 2021 to continue to provide additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people.

This year we are hoping that we can get back to normal after a couple of  different years due to the Global Pandemic – classes will return to having 2 PE slots weekly – one indoors and one outdoors and will have opportunity to participate in a range of competitive and non-competitive sports.

This academic year we have chosen to spend our Sports Premium Funding improving our outdoor areas and ensuring children have opportunity to participate in a wide range of sports.


Sport Premium Grant

Funding for schools is calculated by the number of primary aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as at the annual census in January 2015. All schools with 17 or more primary aged pupils receive a lump sum of £16,000 plus a premium of £10 per pupil. Smaller schools will receive £1000 per pupil. (DfE June 2020). Any funding unspent from the previous academic years due to Covid-19 can be carried forward.

Maintained schools

Maintained schools, including PRUs and general hospitals, do not receive funding directly from DfE. The funding is given to the local authority and then passed on to us.

We give local authorities  PE and sport premium funding for maintained schools in 2 separate payments. Local authorities receive:

  • 7/12 of your funding allocation on 26 February 2021
  • 5/12 of your funding allocation on 30 April 2021


Total no of primary aged pupils between the ages of 5-11: 261


Total amount of Sport Premium Grant received 2021-2022 £18,610

Total amount carried forward from last financial year - £13,000



Academic Year 2021/2022

There have been continued changes to promote sport this academic year with the consistent use of Real PE from Create Development being implemented across all phases of the primary curriculum with additional resources for Foundation Stage. We have also bought Real dance and gym to enhance the provision in these areas.

Now we are able to teach both indoor and outdoor sports we will be utilising REAL PE to its full potential including the Jasmine platform for assessment and monitoring. The scheme focusses on the 6 areas of learning – Personal, Social, Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, Health and Fitness to promote holistic development focussed around skills. Children will still access competitive sports and we are happy to announce that these can take place across of partnership. The skills which children are taught in Real PE show progression throughout the primary curriculum, with different coloured challenges which help staff to differentiate their practice to meet the needs of the children in their cohort. There is also an effective assessment system on the Jasmine portal which helps staff to assess the children in their class and inform future practice.

Additionally, we have used our sports Premium funding to purchase a new trim trail for the KS1 playground – this will be accessed during playtimes and lunchtimes as well as during PE lessons. This area will help to support children develop their gross motor skills as well as balance and co-ordination.

What does the Sport Premium mean for my School?

‘Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this’.

At Greenfield Primary School we have split up the funding by the three key areas for consideration; Physical Education, Healthy Active Lifestyles and Competitive Sport. We have decided to spend the Sport Premium Grant on the following:

PE and sport expenditure (to date)

Total Sporting Solutions – Gross Motor Skills FS/KS1 - £6615

Cyber coach: £300

GEMs maintenance: £160


Proposed spending

Ourdoor gym equipment for KS2

Lunch time Sport Apprentice

Free clubs to enhance pupil’s engagement in sport


Purpose of funding

We have undertaken a PE and School Sport audit and developed our Sports Premium plan to raise standards and participation levels in PE throughout the school. Our rationale for the use of Sports Premium funding, which the Governors have agreed, are that it must be used so that:

  • all children benefit regardless of sporting ability
  • children are inspired and motivated to take part in sport and outdoor activities
  • staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development
  • after school activities have been subsidised so that pupils do not miss out due to financial constraints
  • as far as possible, the school makes use of the outstanding and inspiring grounds for sport, adventure and play as well as the surrounding environment
  • we make use of collaborative and partnership working.

Following the audit we have ensured that we have an extensive range of high quality equipment available for all of the children for all of the sports that we teach.  It is important that the children have access to age appropriate equipment, e.g. children have a football each during games lessons – size 3 for 5 years to 8 years, size 4 for 9 years to 11 years.

What is the Impact of the Sports Premium Grant?

We will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils progress and participation in PE and school sport. We are required to publish on-line information about how we have used the additional funding, including details about our sporting provision alongside curriculum details.

Increased opportunities for all of our pupils to access a wider variety of PE and Sports

Developed pupil understanding of the importance of keeping fit and healthy and ways that they can improve their health and fitness.

Pupils who are fitter, healthier and are motivated to continue to improve

Pupils who enjoy sport and play.


With the above rationale in mind, and following the guidelines for how to spend this money, our plans for the use of the Sports Premium 2021/2022 funding include:

  • investment in the professional development of staff at our school so they are best equipped to teach high quality Physical Education and school sport for years to come.
  • subsidising off-site swimming in order to ensure more able swimmers participate in swimming activities in an environment which will stretch and challenge their swimming ability (regardless of their financial situation) – if permitted with COVID restrictions
  • further develop the outdoor and adventurous activities element of the PE curriculum, utilising the school's own grounds and facilities (we are currently looking into developing the area outside year 1 classroom to provide children with a climbing wall and other facilities to improve motor skills and co-ordination).
  • purchasing equipment to offer access to new sports and physical activities as relevant (we are currently looking into procuring equipment for orienteering so that we can use our fantastic local landscape).
  • developing the assessment of PE using Jasmine

PE and Sports Premium 2021 - 2022

Swimming Competancy by Y6 in 2021 - 2022

No data due to Covid when we take our children swimming as Y4 pupils.


PE and Sports Spending 2021 - 2022

Sport Premium Overview

Primary School’s Vision Statement:

Greenfield Primary School

At Greenfield Primary School we believe PE & Sport plays an important role in making our vision statement a reality for every pupil, with the potential to change young people’s lives for the better.

In physical education, children take part in a wide variety of activities. They learn that being active is fun and that it is important to lead an active lifestyle.  We use a skills-based approach as the basis of our PE curriculum using the Real PE programme.  All staff have received training on Real PE and this is delivered consistently across school.   Pupils develop these skills throughout their time at Greenfield and leave with the skills which are fundamental to so many games and sports.

Specific sports are also offered to children as extra-curricular activities at lunchtimes and after school.  These include: football, gymnastics, cricket, handball and netball.

In KS2, in addition to the fundamental skills, pupils also have lessons in swimming and residential trips that provide children with the opportunity to participate in outdoor/adventurous activities

We welcomed the Government’s announcement in 2021 to continue to provide additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people.

This year we are hoping that we can get back to normal after a couple of  different years due to the Global Pandemic – classes will return to having 2 PE slots weekly – one indoors and one outdoors and will have opportunity to participate in a range of competitive and non-competitive sports.

This academic year we have chosen to spend our Sports Premium Funding improving our outdoor areas and ensuring children have opportunity to participate in a wide range of sports.


Sport Premium Grant

Funding for schools is calculated by the number of primary aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as at the annual census in January 2015. All schools with 17 or more primary aged pupils receive a lump sum of £16,000 plus a premium of £10 per pupil. Smaller schools will receive £1000 per pupil. (DfE June 2020). Any funding unspent from the previous academic years due to Covid-19 can be carried forward.

Maintained schools

Maintained schools, including PRUs and general hospitals, do not receive funding directly from DfE. The funding is given to the local authority and then passed on to us.

We give local authorities  PE and sport premium funding for maintained schools in 2 separate payments. Local authorities receive:

  • 7/12 of your funding allocation on 26 February 2021
  • 5/12 of your funding allocation on 30 April 2021


Total no of primary aged pupils between the ages of 5-11: 261


Total amount of Sport Premium Grant received 2021-2022 £18,610

Total amount carried forward from last financial year - £13,000



Academic Year 2021/2022

There have been continued changes to promote sport this academic year with the consistent use of Real PE from Create Development being implemented across all phases of the primary curriculum with additional resources for Foundation Stage. We have also bought Real dance and gym to enhance the provision in these areas.

Now we are able to teach both indoor and outdoor sports we will be utilising REAL PE to its full potential including the Jasmine platform for assessment and monitoring. The scheme focusses on the 6 areas of learning – Personal, Social, Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, Health and Fitness to promote holistic development focussed around skills. Children will still access competitive sports and we are happy to announce that these can take place across of partnership. The skills which children are taught in Real PE show progression throughout the primary curriculum, with different coloured challenges which help staff to differentiate their practice to meet the needs of the children in their cohort. There is also an effective assessment system on the Jasmine portal which helps staff to assess the children in their class and inform future practice.

Additionally, we have used our sports Premium funding to purchase a new trim trail for the KS1 playground – this will be accessed during playtimes and lunchtimes as well as during PE lessons. This area will help to support children develop their gross motor skills as well as balance and co-ordination.

What does the Sport Premium mean for my School?

‘Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this’.

At Greenfield Primary School we have split up the funding by the three key areas for consideration; Physical Education, Healthy Active Lifestyles and Competitive Sport. We have decided to spend the Sport Premium Grant on the following:

PE and sport expenditure (to date)

Total Sporting Solutions – Gross Motor Skills FS/KS1 - £6615

Cyber coach: £300

GEMs maintenance: £160


Proposed spending

Ourdoor gym equipment for KS2

Lunch time Sport Apprentice

Free clubs to enhance pupil’s engagement in sport


Purpose of funding

We have undertaken a PE and School Sport audit and developed our Sports Premium plan to raise standards and participation levels in PE throughout the school. Our rationale for the use of Sports Premium funding, which the Governors have agreed, are that it must be used so that:

  • all children benefit regardless of sporting ability
  • children are inspired and motivated to take part in sport and outdoor activities
  • staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development
  • after school activities have been subsidised so that pupils do not miss out due to financial constraints
  • as far as possible, the school makes use of the outstanding and inspiring grounds for sport, adventure and play as well as the surrounding environment
  • we make use of collaborative and partnership working.

Following the audit we have ensured that we have an extensive range of high quality equipment available for all of the children for all of the sports that we teach.  It is important that the children have access to age appropriate equipment, e.g. children have a football each during games lessons – size 3 for 5 years to 8 years, size 4 for 9 years to 11 years.

What is the Impact of the Sports Premium Grant?

We will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils progress and participation in PE and school sport. We are required to publish on-line information about how we have used the additional funding, including details about our sporting provision alongside curriculum details.

Increased opportunities for all of our pupils to access a wider variety of PE and Sports

Developed pupil understanding of the importance of keeping fit and healthy and ways that they can improve their health and fitness.

Pupils who are fitter, healthier and are motivated to continue to improve

Pupils who enjoy sport and play.


With the above rationale in mind, and following the guidelines for how to spend this money, our plans for the use of the Sports Premium 2021/2022 funding include:

  • investment in the professional development of staff at our school so they are best equipped to teach high quality Physical Education and school sport for years to come.
  • subsidising off-site swimming in order to ensure more able swimmers participate in swimming activities in an environment which will stretch and challenge their swimming ability (regardless of their financial situation) – if permitted with COVID restrictions
  • further develop the outdoor and adventurous activities element of the PE curriculum, utilising the school's own grounds and facilities (we are currently looking into developing the area outside year 1 classroom to provide children with a climbing wall and other facilities to improve motor skills and co-ordination).
  • purchasing equipment to offer access to new sports and physical activities as relevant (we are currently looking into procuring equipment for orienteering so that we can use our fantastic local landscape).
  • developing the assessment of PE using Jasmine