World Book Day -2020

We all dressed up as our favourite superhero! We looked fantastic! We were excited to go into assembly to meet Bookman!

Later in the day he visited us in the Busy Bears class. He showed us how to be a story tellers. Together we told each other different stories. We acted out the stories. Ada's story was about a fairy tale and Blake's story was about a superhero.

Throughout the day we designed superhero masks and outfits.

We also designed our own book marks.

We did some super writing during Read, Write Inc!

We also went on a book hunt. Mrs Pudlich hid the books outside. It took us a long time to find the books.


When we found out we could take the books home to share with our families and friends we were really pleased. We hope you enjoy your book! We loved reading them in class today. 


During the afternoon we used the skills we have been learning during the 'Makey' activities to create a light up play dough character from a book. We know how to make a bulb light up using crocodile clips, a battery pack and a light bulb. Aren't they AMAZING!