The children enjoyed an afternoon filled with exploring and trying out new and exciting games. The games promoted self reliance, team work, turn taking and demanded a lot from the children's listening and concentration skills!
"If you get the small footprints then the baby moves, if you get the big feet then the mummy penguin moves. If you win you can eat the fish and then you start again!"
"I'm always going to be happy this afternoon!!"
"Fill the basket with the fruit, when you get the basket (on the dice) you get any fruit you want. If you get the crow then you have to move it one space, if he gets to the end before you he eats all the fruit!"
"We roll this dice and look at the picture, its a horse, I need to count all the horses. Now I need to move the farmer the same number of spaces"
"you put the flower into the bee house and it turns it into honey!
You need six honeys to fill it up and win. You've got to put the dead flowers on the top"