Fantastic Fives

Mrs Evans, Mrs Bamforth & Mrs Rodgers



Welcome to Fantastic Fives.

Important information for this year:


We will be having flute lessons this year as part of our music lessons. Our lessons will be every Tuesday afternoon. Please  make sure all flutes are in school for Monday.


P.E lessons will be Tuesday (inside) and Wednesday (outside) Please ensure that your child has their P.E kit in school on these days and that all ear-rings are removed or that they are able to do this themselves.

For outside P.E suitable kit and a change of footwear will be needed.


Will be sent home weekly. 2 pieces of homework will be given on Monday to be completed and returned by Friday. Everyone will have a piece of maths and English work and it will always be a task that we have covered during our lessons to support and develop our class learning.

Please also encourage and support your child to practice their times tables facts to 12x12.


Every child has their own 'Reading Journal'. It is expected that everyone will read at least 3 times a week. Please encourage and support your child to read for 10 minutes each time and sign their reading journal.


We will be continuing to build on our spelling knowledge by sending spelling booklets home to practice. We will continue to test children on spellings and share progression in spelling books.


 Click on the links below to  see what we have been up to and view our photos.

Our trip to Malham

 Fantastic flutes

Our amazing flute performance




Fantastic Fives

Mrs Evans, Mrs Bamforth & Mrs Rodgers



Welcome to Fantastic Fives.

Important information for this year:


We will be having flute lessons this year as part of our music lessons. Our lessons will be every Tuesday afternoon. Please  make sure all flutes are in school for Monday.


P.E lessons will be Tuesday (inside) and Wednesday (outside) Please ensure that your child has their P.E kit in school on these days and that all ear-rings are removed or that they are able to do this themselves.

For outside P.E suitable kit and a change of footwear will be needed.


Will be sent home weekly. 2 pieces of homework will be given on Monday to be completed and returned by Friday. Everyone will have a piece of maths and English work and it will always be a task that we have covered during our lessons to support and develop our class learning.

Please also encourage and support your child to practice their times tables facts to 12x12.


Every child has their own 'Reading Journal'. It is expected that everyone will read at least 3 times a week. Please encourage and support your child to read for 10 minutes each time and sign their reading journal.


We will be continuing to build on our spelling knowledge by sending spelling booklets home to practice. We will continue to test children on spellings and share progression in spelling books.


 Click on the links below to  see what we have been up to and view our photos.

Our trip to Malham

 Fantastic flutes

Our amazing flute performance