This term in literacy we have been reading 'The Jolly Postman or Other People's Letters
The Jolly Postman delivers everybody letter including Cinderella, The Big Bad Wolf, The Giant, The Wicked Witch and finally at the end, he delivers Goldilocks her birthday card.
Goldilocks invited us and we had so much fun! We started with putting our party hats on.
We had to find Goldilocks and her friends.
We then played pass the parcel.
We then had so much fun and played musical statues.
We had some lovely party food and we sang Frozen songs.
Thank you Goldilocks for inviting us to your party. We had such a lovely time!
This term in literacy we have been reading 'The Jolly Postman or Other People's Letters
The Jolly Postman delivers everybody letter including Cinderella, The Big Bad Wolf, The Giant, The Wicked Witch and finally at the end, he delivers Goldilocks her birthday card.
Goldilocks invited us and we had so much fun! We started with putting our party hats on.
We had to find Goldilocks and her friends.
We then played pass the parcel.
We then had so much fun and played musical statues.
We had some lovely party food and we sang Frozen songs.
Thank you Goldilocks for inviting us to your party. We had such a lovely time!