We started our Spring Hunt at the pond.
We didn't think we would see any frogs or frog spawn as the weather has been so cold recently.
We were wrong!
We saw nine frogs and lots and lots of frog spawn.
We saw so many different signs of spring.
Flowers, buds, blossom, seedlings, nests and leaves.
We noticed a tree with brown leaves and a tree with green leaves on it. "It's not winter now, they're dying. I like the green leaves." said Holly as she observed the two different trees.
"Look at the daffodils" said Holly.
"These are soft and these are sticky" said Lottie.
"The nest is high up" said Scarlett.
"There's a nest" said Harriett.
We loved using the music trees too! We noticed when we used different sized sticks to hit the symbols the pitch and sound changed.
Mrs Ashurst really enjoyed re-telling stories. The Three Little Pigs was their favourite.
We also really enjoyed exploring the forest.
We started our Spring Hunt at the pond.
We didn't think we would see any frogs or frog spawn as the weather has been so cold recently.
We were wrong!
We saw nine frogs and lots and lots of frog spawn.
We saw so many different signs of spring.
Flowers, buds, blossom, seedlings, nests and leaves.
We noticed a tree with brown leaves and a tree with green leaves on it. "It's not winter now, they're dying. I like the green leaves." said Holly as she observed the two different trees.
"Look at the daffodils" said Holly.
"These are soft and these are sticky" said Lottie.
"The nest is high up" said Scarlett.
"There's a nest" said Harriett.
We loved using the music trees too! We noticed when we used different sized sticks to hit the symbols the pitch and sound changed.
Mrs Ashurst really enjoyed re-telling stories. The Three Little Pigs was their favourite.
We also really enjoyed exploring the forest.
We started our Spring Hunt at the pond.
We didn't think we would see any frogs or frog spawn as the weather has been so cold recently.
We were wrong!
We saw nine frogs and lots and lots of frog spawn.
We saw so many different signs of spring.
Flowers, buds, blossom, seedlings, nests and leaves.
We noticed a tree with brown leaves and a tree with green leaves on it. "It's not winter now, they're dying. I like the green leaves." said Holly as she observed the two different trees.
"Look at the daffodils" said Holly.
"These are soft and these are sticky" said Lottie.
"The nest is high up" said Scarlett.
"There's a nest" said Harriett.
We loved using the music trees too! We noticed when we used different sized sticks to hit the symbols the pitch and sound changed.
Mrs Ashurst really enjoyed re-telling stories. The Three Little Pigs was their favourite.
We also really enjoyed exploring the forest.