We watched a video of tadpoles changing into frogs before we went pond dipping. We saw how they wriggle out of their jelly, grow back legs and then front legs. We also learnt about how frogs have sticky tongues and they have to close their eyes to swallow their food.
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We discussed how we would stay safe around the pond, with good listening and staying close to an adult.
We practised lying on our front and reaching forwards.
We had to push our nets deep into the water.
"I've got some!" said Frankie
"It's heavy!" said Harry
"It's sticky!" said Jaxon "I think there's 100!"
Look at all the frog spawn we found.
We enjoyed playing on the large climbing equipment whilst waiting for our turn at pond dipping.
We travelled up to the top, down, over, under and through.
We still had time to explore the forest, look at the signs of spring and use the mud slide.