We had a lovely afternoon today. The Oggles Hedgehog Rescue and Rehabilitation centre came to see us. They brought in two hedgehogs which they had recently rescued. They were very small and if they hadn't been rescued they sadly wouldn't have made it through the winter! Luckily, they were spotted and rescued by Vicky and Steve who run the centre and the little hedgehogs are now doing very well. They are happy and healthy and very very cute!
They told us what hedgehogs like to eat and drink. We learnt that they definitely do NOT like milk!
They talked about how to keep hedgehogs safe around Bonfire night.
The children asked some excellent questions about hedgehogs.
Scarlett, "What do they eat?"
Ellis, "How do you look after them?"
Elias, "Are they babies?"
Jacob, "How do they hibernate?"
We had a lovely afternoon today. The Oggles Hedgehog Rescue and Rehabilitation centre came to see us. They brought in two hedgehogs which they had recently rescued. They were very small and if they hadn't been rescued they sadly wouldn't have made it through the winter! Luckily, they were spotted and rescued by Vicky and Steve who run the centre and the little hedgehogs are now doing very well. They are happy and healthy and very very cute!
They told us what hedgehogs like to eat and drink. We learnt that they definitely do NOT like milk!
They talked about how to keep hedgehogs safe around Bonfire night.
The children asked some excellent questions about hedgehogs.
Scarlett, "What do they eat?"
Ellis, "How do you look after them?"
Elias, "Are they babies?"
Jacob, "How do they hibernate?"
We had a lovely afternoon today. The Oggles Hedgehog Rescue and Rehabilitation centre came to see us. They brought in two hedgehogs which they had recently rescued. They were very small and if they hadn't been rescued they sadly wouldn't have made it through the winter! Luckily, they were spotted and rescued by Vicky and Steve who run the centre and the little hedgehogs are now doing very well. They are happy and healthy and very very cute!
They told us what hedgehogs like to eat and drink. We learnt that they definitely do NOT like milk!
They talked about how to keep hedgehogs safe around Bonfire night.
The children asked some excellent questions about hedgehogs.
Scarlett, "What do they eat?"
Ellis, "How do you look after them?"
Elias, "Are they babies?"
Jacob, "How do they hibernate?"