World Book Day 2019 and Monster Circuits

For World Book Day we dressed up in our PJS and Onesies.

We loved it.

We felt warm and cosy all day.


In the Busy Bears class we shared the story called 'Monster Needs A Costume'.


We loved the story so much we decided to have a Monster afternoon.

We used the skills we have learnt to make Monster Circuits.

Don't they look funny!


We really enjoyed making them. Firstly we needed to gather our resources together.

Ask your child if they can tell you what we needed.

Can you believe play dough is a conductor of electricity!


We needed to make two balls of play dough. We were very clever, we could roll two balls at the same time!

We quickly put all the components together to make the LED bulb light! We are experts now!!

We think our monsters look amazing! They light up too!!

We also shared lots of other stories.

Our other favourite story was 'We're going on a bear hunt'.

We completed the maze to find the cave!


To end the day we voted on which story we wanted to hear being read aloud.

We all visited different classrooms to hear the different stories that were being read.

Mrs Hall read "Guess how much I love you!". We even had chocolate biscuits and had a relaxing lie down!

What a wonderful end to a wonderful day.


World Book Day 2019 and Monster Circuits

For World Book Day we dressed up in our PJS and Onesies.

We loved it.

We felt warm and cosy all day.


In the Busy Bears class we shared the story called 'Monster Needs A Costume'.


We loved the story so much we decided to have a Monster afternoon.

We used the skills we have learnt to make Monster Circuits.

Don't they look funny!


We really enjoyed making them. Firstly we needed to gather our resources together.

Ask your child if they can tell you what we needed.

Can you believe play dough is a conductor of electricity!


We needed to make two balls of play dough. We were very clever, we could roll two balls at the same time!

We quickly put all the components together to make the LED bulb light! We are experts now!!

We think our monsters look amazing! They light up too!!

We also shared lots of other stories.

Our other favourite story was 'We're going on a bear hunt'.

We completed the maze to find the cave!


To end the day we voted on which story we wanted to hear being read aloud.

We all visited different classrooms to hear the different stories that were being read.

Mrs Hall read "Guess how much I love you!". We even had chocolate biscuits and had a relaxing lie down!

What a wonderful end to a wonderful day.


World Book Day 2019 and Monster Circuits

For World Book Day we dressed up in our PJS and Onesies.

We loved it.

We felt warm and cosy all day.


In the Busy Bears class we shared the story called 'Monster Needs A Costume'.


We loved the story so much we decided to have a Monster afternoon.

We used the skills we have learnt to make Monster Circuits.

Don't they look funny!


We really enjoyed making them. Firstly we needed to gather our resources together.

Ask your child if they can tell you what we needed.

Can you believe play dough is a conductor of electricity!


We needed to make two balls of play dough. We were very clever, we could roll two balls at the same time!

We quickly put all the components together to make the LED bulb light! We are experts now!!

We think our monsters look amazing! They light up too!!

We also shared lots of other stories.

Our other favourite story was 'We're going on a bear hunt'.

We completed the maze to find the cave!


To end the day we voted on which story we wanted to hear being read aloud.

We all visited different classrooms to hear the different stories that were being read.

Mrs Hall read "Guess how much I love you!". We even had chocolate biscuits and had a relaxing lie down!

What a wonderful end to a wonderful day.
