Librarians 2024 - 2025




Last summer term, our Reading Leaders visited Hoyland Library to look at the layout of a library in preparation for relocating and redesigning our school library.  They were so enthusiastic and we had a really good afternoon.  Upon our return to school, we ordered new bookcases (which the Y6 children helped to build) and moved all of the books from the old library into the log cabin. This was a huge job as all of the books needed to be put into alphabetical order and non-fiction needed categorising.


Our 24 librarians have worked incredibly hard to get our new library ready. Fiction books are organised alphabetically with picture books in Kinderboxes. They have suggested categories for some books which are in baskets around our library.  They wear their lanyards with pride and work tirelessly to keep the library tidy, recommend reads and make suggestions for new books.

Each class has a weekly library slot where they are able to enjoy the library and choose a new book or simply relax with a book or magazine.

Our librarians also look after the library during morning break and children are able to go in an enjoy the space.

In October, we did a reading questionnaire from RFP website which highlighted just how much our children love their library.

We are in the process of updating our non-fiction side of the library with exciting new books relating to the curriculum and pupil interests.


Our library now looks incredible and there is a real buzz around school regarding reading and visiting the library.

Letter sent to families in September 2024.


On November 14th poet Ian McMillan came to work with our children and officially open our library.   We had an AMAZING morning!


On February 11th, our librarians are visiting Hoyland Library to look at the organisation of the non-fiction area and learn more about the role of a librarian.