Welcome to Smart Snake's page.
If you are a parent or carer you can join our private Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/214057043931237
We use Microsoft Teams. Should children be at home due to isolation, we will call you so that you can take part in the lesson virtually.
If you have any questions please do contact school or email Mr Sargeant at n.sargeant@greenfieldprimaryschool.co.uk
PE days are Monday and Thursday, please ensure your child have their PE kits in school.
Reading books and records need to be in school every day. If your child reads 3 times a week at home, they will get dojo's .
Homework is handed out on Fridays and to be returned on Tuesdays. If your child is unsure what to do then return homework on Monday so we can help.
We will be doing forest school once every half term, we'll let you know the dates nearer the time.
Please click on the links to see what we have been up to.