Welcome to Wonderful Wolves' page.
If you are a parent or carer you can join our private Facebook group - please email Mrs Blackburn for the link.
We use Microsoft Teams. Should children be at home due to isolation, we will call you so that you can take part in the lesson virtually.
If you have any questions please do contact school or email Mrs Blackburn at s.blackburn@greenfieldprimaryschool.co.uk
Welcome to Wonderful Wolves' page.
If you are a parent or carer you can join our private Facebook group - please email Mrs Blackburn for the link.
We use Microsoft Teams. Should children be at home due to isolation, we will call you so that you can take part in the lesson virtually.
If you have any questions please do contact school or email Mrs Blackburn at s.blackburn@greenfieldprimaryschool.co.uk
Welcome to Wonderful Wolves' page.
If you are a parent or carer you can join our private Facebook group - please email Mrs Blackburn for the link.
We use Microsoft Teams. Should children be at home due to isolation, we will call you so that you can take part in the lesson virtually.
If you have any questions please do contact school or email Mrs Blackburn at s.blackburn@greenfieldprimaryschool.co.uk